Blossom & Bloom in the Garden of Dreams

Saturn Club 977 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo

    4:30 - 6:00 pm: Celebratory Cocktail Party in the Courtyard honoring Lisa Coppola, Chair of the NAWBO National Board of Directors, and Sherrie Barr Mack, Chair of the NAWBO Presidents Assembly Steering Committee. 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Dinner & Installation of NAWBO Buffalo Niagara President, Laura Zimberg, Officers and Board of Directors. Pricing: $25 for cocktail reception; $40 for installation dinner; $65 for both (same pricing for members and guests) Sponsor option: $200 includes event ticket, name recognition on the program card, recognition at the event, signage at the event with all sponsors included, and social media posts For [...]

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