NAWBO Mastermind – May 2025


For Members only on the third Tuesday of each month, 12 PM – 1 PM. Facilitated by Lynn Tranchell. What is a mastermind? Some people call it a hot seat. It’s a group setting where you ask a question and everyone else tells you what comes to their mind in the moment as an answer. It is not coaching. It is not therapy. It’s brainstorming ideas to help you with a challenge you are having. It also has to be confidential. Zoom link – Show up when you need help or show up to offer help. The following applies to your [...]

NAWBO Mastermind – June 2025


For Members only on the third Tuesday of each month, 12 PM – 1 PM. Facilitated by Lynn Tranchell. What is a mastermind? Some people call it a hot seat. It’s a group setting where you ask a question and everyone else tells you what comes to their mind in the moment as an answer. It is not coaching. It is not therapy. It’s brainstorming ideas to help you with a challenge you are having. It also has to be confidential. Zoom link – Show up when you need help or show up to offer help. The following applies to your [...]

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