Our Creed

  1. We are the unified voice of women business owners.
  2. We equally represent all women business owners regardless of the size of the company, industry, or geographic location.
  3. We are the catalyst for Women Business Owners to create significant impact in the world through supporting other Women Business Owners, giving back in their communities and advocating change in public policy.
  4. We inspire significant change as it relates to policy, equality and society.
  5. We impact change for future generations of Women Business Owners.
  6. We are an educational resource for Women Business Owners.
  7. We seek to motivate and inspire our members towards exponential growth, heightened potential and continuous innovation.
  8. We see all Women Business Owners not for who they are but for who they can become.
  9. We are not afraid of failure (obstacles and/or setbacks).
  10. We promote for the good of the organization and all women business owners, not the individual.
  11. We are THE resource for women entrepreneurs.
  12. We create, educate and grow leaders.
  13. We value integrity and excellence in all that we do.
  14. We value integrity and excellence in all that we do.

Our Commitment:

  1. We strive to seek and provide opportunities for continuous personal and professional growth.
  2. We will impact the culture of business.
  3. We will consciously endeavor to build an inclusive table for all women.
  4. We will reach back.
  5. We will celebrate and honor the accomplishments of our fellow women business owners.
  6. We will propel all women business owners to their next level of success.

NAWBO Member Creed

  1. I am a woman business owner.
  2. I am breaking barriers, being an example and clearing the path for other women while honoring those who came before me.
  3. I am part of the NAWBO movement that unites women business owners to work together and do something powerful.

Therefore, my commitment:

  1. I will share stories of my successes and failures with the intent to inspire women to persevere.
  2. I will create a blend and balance between leader and servant.
  3. I will make my voice heard by those that make policy decisions to benefit, support and propel women business owners.
  4. I will build a stronger world.